Does your website comply with Accessibility requirements?

If your answer is yes, and you are sure about that, we’re probably done here. Go have a sandwich. We’ll talk about something else later.

If you’re unsure what “Accessibility” means, you’re not sure if you comply with the law, or the answer is simply no… Please read on!

The craziness has started and it’s likely to get worse!

A variety of attorneys have discovered a new way to make a quick buck. What a surprise. And unfortunately, it’s another example of good intentions gone horribly wrong and there are opportunist lawyers out there ready to take advantage of website accessibility laws and put the squeeze on unsuspecting site owners (of any size)… and, sorry… but that could be you.

There’s a lot of information about this that is now coming to light, so we’re not going bore you with endless details right here. But the bottom line is simple. If your website does not comply with accessibility laws and guidelines, you could find yourself in receipt of a demand letter or worse, a lawsuit from one of these people that could cost you a good chunk of change, not to mention a big headache.

Fortunately, there’s a quick and inexpensive solution!

At TrueMarket Group, we’ve been building and managing websites (and much more, frankly) for well over 20 years. Recently. we became aware of an acquaintance who owns an auto-related business and was the recipient of one of these unexpected lawsuits. We understand that they settled the case for something around $70,000 plus the cost of making their website compliant with ADA Accessibility laws. We were astonished to learn that apparently there have been many of these. Several thousand already. That’s a bit scary.

Around the same time, however, we also became aware of a unique, AI-powered software solution that automated the process of ensuring acceptable website Accessibility compliance for a fraction of the cost of hiring a developer, or even an in-house tech person. After a great deal of research and discussion back and forth, we decided it made sense to become an Authorized Partner for this software product and start offering it to our clients.

Now you can make your website Accessible in as little as 48 hours… and it’s finally affordable!

Now keep in mind, you can spend many thousands of dollars and wait weeks or months for other solutions. But that’s only the start. Because every time you add new content to your site, you have to go through a series of extra steps to make sure that your new content complies. Not fun.


Here’s the Affordable Solution…

The good news that we’re happy to share with you is that TrueMarket Group is an Authorized Partner for AccessiBe, the AI Powered Web Accessibility Product that is automatic, simple and affordable.

Check it out for yourself. Click the accessibility symbol at the lower left corner of your screen. Or just click here.

TrueMarket Group can quickly set you up with AccessiBe, install the application and make sure all is well in a matter of just a few days. While we’re at it, we can make sure everything else on your site is where and how it should be. That’s what we do.

Want to know more right now?

Mitigate the potential for an ADA-inspired lawsuit!

Making your website accessible is not a bad thing at all. It’s a positive step that can expand your business by allowing more people to use your website. That’s a good thing. What’s a bad thing is that, once again, the unintended consequences of good intentions have created an environment of urgency that should not be ignored.

Want to do this yourself?

No problem, check out the the W3C recommended Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. Start there and let us know when you get through it. We’ll be cheering you on (really!).

Or… there’s another, simpler option that comes with much less heartburn (if any). We can set you up with AccessiBe, install the application and make sure all is well in a matter of just a few days. We make it a lot easier for you. That’s what we do.

We’re here and ready to be of assistance anytime. It’s your call.

Please note: TrueMarket Group does not provide legal advice. If you feel you need legal help, there’s plenty of that available elsewhere and you’ll pay handsomely for it. AccessiBe will save you a lot of money.

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