TrueMarket Group has been providing high level, 100% managed concierge webhosting services to our clients since 2006. While we don’t offer hosting as a commodity service, we have made available to clients a full management approach that allows them to focus on their core competencies. This service is consistent with our commitment to help our clients in the most advantageous, mutually beneficial way.
Fully Managed Concierge Hosting
Fully Managed
Concierge Hosting
Our TrueMarket Hosting service offers a common sense, practical approach to handling a part of the website management equation that is usually baffling to many smaller companies. Our clients know that we’re on this 24/7 to handle any possible issues that can arise in this evermore complicated world of web management. We handle everything on a closed system basis with emphasis on security, efficiency and effectiveness.
Over the better part of two decades, TrueMarket Hosting operated a full-service platform with servers in Houston, TX and Seattle, WA. As of August, 2023, we consolidated those servers into one new, proprietary, state-of-the-art dedicated platform with massively increased power, performance and security based in Los Angeles, CA. With over 20x more power and capacity than either of our previous servers, websites managed by us are now served up with lightning speed.
We still utilize the standard, time-tested website management systems that we’ve operated for the life of this business (updated constantly). We know this system well. A few of our standard operating features are:
- Nightly backups to ensure rapid restoration capability if ever needed
- 24/7 operational monitoring that pings our systems literally every 60 seconds and informs us via text message and email of any irregularities.
- Regular malware scans to prevent unwanted and malicious software from running on the system or any of the websites we host.
- Daily maintenance reviews for constantly evolving software applications and performing all updates as they are available.
- And much more that you’ll likely never hear about or have any interest in.
The cost for exclusive, full-service management on the TrueMarket platform is additional to any consulting retainers, project fees, or commissions and is always billed separately, or as a separate line item on invoices. Our flat fees include technical costs as well as infrastructure maintenance and optimization and fall into three categories:
- Per Dynamic Website Account: $149/monthly* | $1499/annually (save $300)
- Per Dynamic Subdomain Website: $69/monthly* | $699/annually (save $129)
- Per Static Website Account: $49/monthly* | $499/annually (save $100)
Prices effective January, 2023. *Monthly is billed quarterly.
For important additional details, please visit our Default Terms of Service or feel free to contact us anytime.